About This Ebook


...and About Some Other Stuff

This Book...

...is dedicated to webspinners and ebook writers everywhere.  I made the color code charts so I would have an easy, all-platform reference for working on color values in HTML. It was intended for distribution as a zipped HTML archive type "ebook", a copy of which will be online for viewing in the reading room at the Freebooks Project and available for download there. I will be evaluating HTML ebook compliers and EXE versions will be available that have more than just the codes charts.

The Author...

...I started writing web pages in 1998 when I had no phone and had to create my own content in order to have something at which to point my browser. I became Volunteer Webmaster for GorgeLink.Org in December, 2000 after getting bored enough to go through the area phone book and, as a joke, create "The Mid-Columbia River Gorge New Millenium Readiness Test", which became the foundation for the Mid-Columbia River Gorge Community Resources Directory at GorgeLink.Org.


...is a non-profit portal to the web content of businesses, organizations and people in the Mid-Columbia River Gorge region of the Pacific Nothwest, USA. It started on the web in January, 2001 with a Gorge Community Resources Directory, some Newspages and outsourced bulletin board and chat features.


...started February, 2003 to smooth out a DNS transfer for GorgeLink.Org and as an extension of internet services by GorgeLink to members, supplying POP3 email and space for webprojects.

No Sign-Ups, No Log-Ins, No "Give Us Your Email and We'll Send You the Download Link"............   And NO Passwords to Remember.
Promote literacy.   Donate a buck or a book to the FreeBooks Project!   Millions are starving for quality content on the internet while thousands want to promote their stuff. Your dollar or ebook will go a long way in feeding the hungry minds of millions.
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Copyright © July 2003, Ric Frye-- the Most Underutilized Human Resource in Klickitat County