For New Webspinners and Aspiring eBook Writers
Dianne Reuby,
author of How to Make Your Site Sticky, has two helpful websites: Free Site Builder, which has
free resources for new webmasters and PC users, and First Web Builder, which has tutorials, tips, and Ebooks for new webspinners.
The Compendium of HTML Elements: Beginners / Newbies section is a
good place to start your list of HTML reference links. The Compendium has been around a long time and it's HUGE, like 20,000 pages where the info covers all tags, all browsers, "all the HTML all of the time", so to speak.
Great for when you need to know about tags not covered in your old reference book.
On the other hand, the Campaign for a Non-Browser Specific WWW at AnyBrowser.Org
aims at a platform independent, non-browser specific World Wide Web. "Viewable With Your Favorite Browser" is a nice thing to be able to say on your home page. It reassures folks checking in on older desktops
that their browsing will remain accessible as they move into and around your web site.
HTML and Web Tutorials
Many HTML tutorial pages have come and gone on the internet just since we entered the new millenium. Some have hung around and gotten better, growing as HTML grew.
The only tutorials I recommend for you are whichever ones you like. Check out a few, and go with what's most fun or easiest to understand for you. For everyone experience is the best tutor. Make a folder on your hard drive or a few floppies, collect
your notes and graphics you want to incorporate into a project and express yourself.
Joe Barta (just Google him, he's all over) wrote the niftiest HTML tutorial called So, you want to make a Web Page!
that evolved into a thing called Web Tutor and then to His Form Tutor,
Frames Tutor and Magic Buttons tutorial (on mouseovers)
are all fun as well as educational. Joe distibuted his tutorials as downloadable zip files that blew out into a little site on your hard drive, sort of like an HTML eBook. Read My Critique of the Web Tutor by George Jor, from 2/25/1998 for a more critical review of Joe's Web Tutor.
HTML Tutorials Links Pages
HTML Tutorials Page at the Bishops College Computer Technology
Online Resources for Web Site Designers
Jim's HTML and Browser Goodies
Terry's List of Internet Resources
This page is based on code samples in
"How to Make a FREE E-Book" by © Judith Tramayne-Barth
whose "Up Your Income With Free eBooks" is available to members of A Good Read Art & Book Club along with 50 ebook covers. For more information, visit: